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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • status:changes-requested
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    used by the reviwer to signal that some changes are needed.
  • category:Idea
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    used to suggest a new idea
  • category:Cleaning
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    use to repport a need to cleaning/refactoring code
  • category:Feature
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    used to suggest a new feature
  • category:BUG
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    used to repport a BUG
  • status:ready-to-merge
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    last status before merging. The assignee and the reviewer agreed.
  • status:reviewing
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    the reviewer is reviewing the issue
  • status:waiting-for-review
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    used to signal the reviewer to start the review process
  • status:on-going
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    comes after studying. It means the assignee has started to code.
  • status:studying
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    The assignee is studying the question, still under discussion
  • category:Documentation
    Laura Ketzer / PLATYPOS
    use to repport an issue related to the documentation