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Kristin Riebe / thinkshop14-daiquiri
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Customized Daiquiri instance for Thinkshop14
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[python] a library for a cleaner usage of matplotlib features.
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TITVS is a graphic user interface for real-time monitoring of NIRVANA simulations.
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repository for the photometric pipeline of the STELLA/WiFSIP telescope
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Bash script to download the budget information from https://klr.aip.de.
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Udo Ziegler / NIRVANA
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAdaptive mesh refinement computer code for chemo-gravito-magneto-gasdynamical simulations in astrophysics
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DEPRECATED. Please use the latest version from: https://gitlab-p4n.aip.de/punch-dev/punch-docs
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The modern pipeline code (prototype). Provide a config file, it builds the pipeline, setups a traceable environment, and run the pipeline on a K8s cluster (assuming access to some PV).
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This is an example repo for kufair: https://gitlab.aip.de/kufair/kufair
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The single repo pipeline of the ML solar plate project. Compatible with KuFAIR
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Post-commit hook for SVN to post a comment to the proper Jira.
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