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I now separates between MyFig and MyFig_base. MyFig_base can be used by overwrit…

Yori Fournier requested to merge myFigInterface into dev

…ting the init function and the plot function, very much like in v1.0.0, you just don't need update, remark the axes should be created in init not in plot. The MyFig class however is smarter, and the user just need to overwrite defineKeywords and addAxes, yes, you don't need init! as their names suggests in defineKeywords you should update self.keywords, in addAxes you should add the objects MyAxes. Now the figure object reads a tuple of data object as argument (not optional anymore) each index for the axes. This behaviour can be overwritten in the function MyFig::formatRawdata, and MyFig::set_rawdata. Remark now the MyFig_base keywords became attributes: self.keywords['fignum'] -> self.fignum...

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