... | ... | @@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ a barotropic EOS of the form |
*p*(𝜚) = *a*<sup>2</sup>𝜚\[1+(𝜚/𝜚<sub>0</sub>)<sup>4/3</sup>\]<sup>1/2</sup>
with *a* = 200 and 𝜚<sub>0</sub> = 10<sup> − 10</sup>.
with *a*=200 and 𝜚<sub>0</sub>=10<sup>−10</sup>.
#define PUSR(rho,eth) (40000.*(rho)*sqrt(1.+pow((rho)/1.e-10,4./3.))+0*(eth))
#define CS2USR(rho,eth) (40000.*sqrt(1.+pow((rho)/1.e-10,4./3.)) \
... | ... | @@ -1618,13 +1618,12 @@ and logarithm of temperature, log *T*, both as functions of the |
logarithm of mass density 𝜚 and the logarithm of thermal energy density
*ε*. The look-up tables for a given (log 𝜚, log *ε*)-domain are
generated by cubic interpolation from user-specified sampling data. The
sampling data {(log *p*)<sub>*i**j*</sub>}
({(log *T*)<sub>*i**j*</sub>}) on the grid
{(log 𝜚)<sub>*i*</sub>} × {(log *ε*)<sub>*j*</sub>} has to be defined by
sampling data {(log *p*)<sub>*ij*</sub>}
({(log *T*)<sub>*ij*</sub>}) on the grid
{(log𝜚)<sub>*i*</sub>} × {(log*ε*)<sub>*j*</sub>} has to be defined by
the user in the interface `eosTabPressureUser.c`
(`eosTabTemperatureUser.c`). The discretizations in log 𝜚-space and
log *ε*-space, $\\{(\\log\\varrho)\_i; i=0,{\\tt n1}-1\\}$ and
$\\{(\\log\\varepsilon)\_j; j=0,{\\tt n2}-1\\}$, must be equidistant
(`eosTabTemperatureUser.c`). The discretizations in log𝜚-space and
log*ε*-space, {(log𝜚)<sub>*i*</sub>; i=0,`n1`-1} and {(log *ε*)<sub>*j*</sub>; j=0,`n2`-1}, must be equidistant
where `n1` and `n2` are the number of sampling points.
Actually, in `eosTabPressureUser()` (`eosTabTemperatureUser()`) the user
... | ... | |